You know, I often think things in my head that I would never want to get out to the people I was actually thinking those thoughts about! Still, sometimes I wish it wasn't so bad to say some of those things... I've especially been wanting to let loose a few questions at work to some of my peers (and some of their parents, with whom I deal) which, in certain circumstances, would probably be perfectly fine questions, but would be considered rather offensive coming from a person of my position and in my work environment. Here are some examples of the questions I have to fight to NOT ask from time to time (some more than others).
1) Can you read?
2) Do you understand the words I am saying?
3) Have you ever suffered some sort of brain trauma?
4) Have you ever successfully completed any portion of your life without your parents' pulling strings for you? OR (if talking to parent) Are you re-living your life through your child?
5) Have you ever had to repeat your elementary education before you came to our institution? If so, how many times?
6) Do you consider yourself a Christian?
These are all things I would really LOVE to say sometimes, in response to the attitudes I receive at work as well.
1) I am nearly 24 years old, so please do not speak to me like a child, ma'am/sir!
2) You are speaking to an adult.
3) You can't get everything you want in life. Get over it.
4) That's great that you're paying out the nose for your child's education. I'll be paying for mine the rest of my life. So I think I win in that competition and I'm not complaining.
5) You call yourself a Christian, so maybe you should pray and get your attitude in order and call me back later. Then I'll be glad to help you!
::sigh:: It's a bit sad that I can't be the one to give these people a wake up call... It's okay, though, I guess. Even if I can't help them realize what dingbats and jerks they can be, I'm still growing because it takes tons of patience and prayer to hold my tongue sometimes! hahaha!
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