Giving in to a good friend's suggestion, I've created this blog not because I have so much time on my hands that I don't know what to do with, but because I have realized that time is against me and, therefore, I simply must get all my ridiculous thoughts and musings out somewhere . That is where you all come in--you're my guinea pigs (by choice of course!). I've found over the past few years that all of us (at least those of us who are truthful with ourselves) have a need and desire to experience the ridiculous and absurd from time to time in order to maintain our sanity. This is something I used to ridicule my mother for when I was younger, but have recently learned to enjoy, savor, and partake of as frequently as possible. It is with this intention of expressing my silly thoughts and wonder struck musings that I begin this chronicle.
***Teetotalers and wine really don't have much, if anything to do with my writings at this point. :)
Last Tuesday I found myself eating lunch and studying before class when I had the most exhilarating and odd experience. I was reading and minding my own business when I bit into a Gala apple and suddenly my mouth was full of the most delightful juices! It was one of the best apples I've had in years! I was so excited by the delicious taste that I nearly ran up to the first person I saw and pushed my apple up in their face to tell them to take a bite because it was so wonderful that I simply had to share! At that moment, however, an unfamiliar

Hello Dani... Good blogging.
There is not a day that you should ever not shove a piece of fruit in my mouth if its ever that good...
Oh Dano... I missed your silly musings... Reading this I realized that I totally would have taken a bite of that apple had you run up to me exclaiming over it's deliciousness and not thought you crazy it all... That is why we're friends! Lovoo!
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